Sunday, August 16, 2009


Hi everyone!

I'm opening this blog as an experiment to talk about astronomnical topics and questions you may have - there is plenty of misinformation out there. Mostly however, I'm going ot talk about the evolution osf something I've been eanting to do for decades - have my own astronomical observatory. If this goes well, I may graduate to a my own website in the future.

The observatory experience began several months ago, so over the next week or so, I will be writing extensively and maybe excruciatingly (to some) to bring the story up to date. Thus far, I have written several aricles about this expeirience in the monthly newsletter of my original astronomy club - the New Jersey Astronomical Association - but felt limited with the space available. Here, I can write as much as I want to satisfy my need to share this experience. People reading blog will decide for themselves when I have gotten out of hand and can click me off.

Please give me feedback about how I'm doing, or with your questions about any astronomical topic.

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